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Nominations Open for 2025 VONL Board Positions - Closing July 16, 2024

Posted 2 months ago by Kristie Burnette

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VONL has openings on the Board of Directors for 2025!


Term of two (2) years beginning January 1, 2025. The Secretary shall record and distribute the minutes of the meetings of the board, as well as the business meetings of VONL. The Secretary shall maintain accurate mailing lists of the members and affiliates and shall coordinate the written announcements of meetings and educational events.

Eligibility: Any member of VONL that has served as an At-Large Board Member at any time for at least one year is eligible to run for Secretary. VONL officers must be AONL members during their appointment. 

At-Large Board Members

Five (5) positions open, term of two (2) years beginning January 1, 2025. 

Eligibility: To serve as an At-Large Board Member you must have been a VONL member in good standing for at least one full year and have experience serving on any standing committee (within or outside of VONL).  Responsibilities include being a sponsor of one of VONL’s standing committees.

All Board Positions

General Eligibility Requirement: Each Board member shall be either a resident of or working in the Commonwealth of Virginia

Each applicant will need to submit

  1. Resume or CV
  2. Brief biography
  3. Provide a 100-word statement on the most significant issues facing VONL and your recommendation for addressing these issues.
  4. Signed conflict of interest form (on web site)
  5. A recent photo (to be used on the ballot)

Election Timeline

July 16            Nominations/Applications Due

July 20             Voting Begins

August 18        Voting Ends

August 23        Election Results to Candidates 

New Board is announced at the VONL Fall Conference on September 13, 2024    

Submit your nomination with the five elements listed above by July 16 to  

Questions? Please email:                                   

Jeannine Simon, DNP, RN, CCRN-K, NE-BC

Sponsor, Scholarship & Nominating Committee

Kristie Burnette, MSN, RN, CPHQ, CPPS

VONL Executive Director